A few reminders:
- Use the Curriculum Binders for Ideas de Inspiracion!! There are Spanish Games, Sensory Table Ideas, the EEC Guidelines and "All About Me" Ideas too! I hope that the Curriculum Calendar Template was user friendly and easy to use. Any feedback will be helpful! While you guys are busy implementing ideas, I am busy getting October Curriculum written for you!! So stay tuned for the next month's ideas of inspiration!! The calendar templates are done for the year so be sure to check for them in your inboxes on a monthly basis. I can't wait to see your Curriculum calendars hung on your Curriculum Walls when I come to the schools for a visit!! Yay!!
- Portfolios: Use the checklist in the Curriculum Binders to ensure you collect samples for each child each month. I have already sent the copies and the binders to all of the schools so you will be all set for the start of the year. I saw that Maria (PreK teacher in Kendall Square) has already put the sheets of paper in each child's portfolio. Yay!! Use whatever system works best for you to collect the samples. I noticed several teachers in Kendall also put their portfolio projects on their curriculum! What an awesome start to the year!!
- Don't forget about our new Youtube Channel of CANCIONES en espanol as a resource! Pine Village Preschool Youtube Channel! Click HERE! http://www.youtube.com/user/Pinevillagepreschool/videos?flow=grid&view=1 It is a great way to get inspiration for Circle Time Songs, Movement Songs and MORE!! You can do a search on the site for what you're looking for (i.e. "Buenos Dias") Or you can go directly to the PLAYLISTS to see it organized by topic.

- Make good use of your Planning Time! We are working hard to try to get at least an hour of planning time for each teacher a week. You can prep materials for the week, clean toys, rotate classroom materials, write your curriculum calendars, work on bulletin boards, re-arrange your classroom, prepare the Spanish Vocabulary for the month/week and of course, work on your portfolios. Doing a little at a time makes big jobs much easier!
- Professional Development: We are having our first REQUIRED professional development night on Tuesday, September 18th at 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM in our NEWTON SCHOOL (NOT THE MAIN OFFICE). We will provide dinner, go over important EEC safety regulations and also discuss PVP benefits. The Professional Development Calendar for the year is almost done and will be sent out shortly. Be on the lookout!
El equipo de administración y directoras estamos muy emocionados para este año escolar!! Estamos muy afortunados tener un equipo de maestros tan talentosos, cariñosos e inteligentes!! Estamos aqui para uds. como un apoyo y un recurso. Gracias a uds. por todo su trabajo duro y por su amor de Pine Village!!
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