Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Charades en Espanol and other fun activities!

Feliz Viernes a todos!

Espero que uds. hayan pasado un Winter Break muy relajante!  Aqui estan algunas ideas de inspiracion que pueden usar y adaptar para cualquier tema y cualquier edad!! 

Objectives : 1.) Sing a variety of songs within children's vocal range, independently and with others.
                    2.) Sing songs with repetitive phrases and rhythmic patterns.
Lesson:  Sing this song all about LOS COLORES.  
  • Hold up objects that correspond with the color that you are singing about. 
  • Ask in between each verse, "Levanta la mano si tienes una camisa roja/naranja/amarilla?" 
  • Have kids find the color that you are singing about in the room as an extension activity


Objectives: 1.) Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.
                    2.)Engage actively in read-aloud activities by asking questions, offering ideas, predicting or retelling important parts of a story or informational book.
Materials:  - books related to the theme
                 -  flannel boards
                 -  homemade pieces to bring the story to life (i.e. animals from Oso Pardo, Oso Pardo, Que Ves Alli? as seen above)
Lesson: - Sing a transition song as a cue to gather the children to your circle time area.  Here's one sample song below.  By singing the same song everyday, the children are conditioned to clean up and come to the circle area.   Be sure to read them a THEME BASED BOOK in espanol to the children every day!  Use a variety of puppets, flannel board pieces and props so the children can re-tell the story too.  You can easily print from Google Images or photocopy the story pieces directly from the books!  Get creative and have fun! 

"Estoy Esperando"
Tune:  "Frere Jacques/Fray Felipe/Brother John"

Estoy Esperando, Estoy Esperando
Que mis amigos, Que mis amigos,
Entren al circulo, Entren al circulo
Sientense, Sientense.


Objective:  1.)  Sort, categorize, or classify objects by more than one attribute
Materials Needed: -variety of toys and objects that are solid colors
                               -two big bins
                               -6 smaller shoebox containers with colored paper attached (SEE ABOVE)

Lesson:  Place the 6 small bins on one side of the room on the table or the floor, and the larger two bins with all of the toys on the other side of the room.  Have the kids, sort the objects into the smaller bins.  They can only take ONE OBJECT at a time though (so they get some gross motor work in too.)  Sing "La Cancion de los Colores" while they sort. 


Objectives: 1.) Identify and use simple tools appropriately to extend observations
                         2.) Engage in play experiences that involve naming and sorting common words into various classifications using general and specific language. 
Materials Needed:  -  Either a sensory table, plastic bin or large kiddy pool (as seen above)
                                        -  Variety of Clip Art objects to correspond with your theme (see above)
                                        -  paperclips attached to each clip art image
                                        -  "magic wands"  (MAGNETIC WAND)
Lesson:  Place clip art images with paper clips attached to them in the kiddy pool.   Demonstrate how the magnetic wands work with metal paperclips.  Talk about why it doesn't work on just the paper. Have them go "fishing" with their "magic wands" to collect the items that you request.  Have older children say full Spanish phrases as they "fish" for the items. ("Me gusta el arbol."  or "Me gustan las uvas").  Younger children can just say the one vocabulary word. 

Creative Art/Physical Development:

Objectives: 1.) Build upper body strength and stability to gain controlled movement of shoulders.
                   2.) Choose artwork for display in the classroom .
                   3.) Use basic shapes and forms of different sizes to create artwork
Materials Needed: - mural paper  (cut and hung up on a vertical surface)
                                    - die cut objects cut out of black paper and taped (with removable tape) to  the mural paper
                                    -  paint
                                    -  paint rollers
                                    -  smocks
Lesson:  Hang paper on a VERTICAL SURFACE (the wall, or a fence outside) and have the children paint all over the die cut objects.  Once they are done, remove the objects to reveal the outline of the images.  Cut, label and hang in the classroom as seen above.  Keep singing the "Cancion de los Colores" as they paint on the vertical surface to develop their upper body strength. 

Fine Motor:

Objectives: 1.) Strengthen hand grasp and flexibility
                    2.)  Use eye-hand coordination, visual perception and tracking, and visual motor skills in play activities.
                    3.)  Sort, categorize, or classify objects by more than one attribute
                    4.)  Use a variety of tools and materials to build grasp-and-release skill.
Materials:     - toy hammers
                     - colored cereal (i.e. Fruit Loops or colored Cheerios) **CHECK FOR ALLERGIES**
                     -  plastic baggies
                     -  tweezers
Lesson:  Place the cereal in the middle of the table and have them use tweezers to pick up and sort it by color into the bags.  Assign each child a different color to be in charge of.  Younger children can just use their fingers to place the cereal in the bags.  Once they are all sorted, give them toy hammers to crush the cereal. 

Idea de la Semana para Promover el uso del espanol:

Porque  escojiste trabajar en Pine Village?  Yo diria que  la mayoria de uds  contestarian porque  se habla  espanol aqui!!   Por eso, vamos  a enfocarnos en mas  ideas, estrategias,  y juegos  para promover  el uso del espanol  en los salones.   Es facil implementarlo cuando tienen los recursos para hacerlo y entender que SI es posible hablar completamente en espanol para tener un nino bilingue!! 


Immersion is the key component for learning at Pine Village.  By focusing on immersing a child in new experiences, we assure that every child has the opportunity to engage and integrate learning in their own instinctual way.  
Immersion is defined as a method of foreign language instruction in which the regular school curriculum is taught through the medium of the language. Spanish is the vehicle for content instruction at Pine Village; it is not the subject of instruction.    Constant and immersive exposure to the Spanish language, culturally rich and exciting activities, games, songs and books, create a cohesive Spanish environment that allows for every child to integrate a second language into their oral language development. As the children become progressively more familiar and comfortable hearing, understanding, and responding in Spanish, it becomes a natural part of their thought process.
Challenge de la semana:   Dejas que los ninos  hagan cosas  cuando piden  en ingles?  (por  ejemplo: Can I go to the bathroom?  I want a turn!  Can you open this for me? I need help!)   Cada vez que un nino pide tu ayuda en ingles, NO LO HAGAS a menos que pide en espanol.  Simplemente contestas, "En espanol, por favor"  O "Solamente entiendo espanol".  Y si el nino no sabe decirlo en espanol, o puedes modelar el lenguage o dile que puede preguntarle a un amigo (*en espanol) que sabe.  ES FACIL!! 


This is a game that can be played anytime since you don't need any materials!!  Try it when you are waiting for a turn in the bathroom, or a fun afternoon activity!

Objectives:  1.)  Enhance spoken language in Spanish of ACTION WORDS (Verbs)
                                2.)  Promote self esteem and confidence with the spoken language

Lesson:  Model the game by acting out an "action word"
                    -  dancing
                    -  running
                    -  laughing
                    -  crying
                    -  jumping
                    -  singing
                    -  sleeping (etc...)
The children need to GUESS what you are acting out in Spanish.  The first person to guess, then gets a turn to act out a verb.  Whisper the action you'd like them to act out in the child's ear then as a group recite, "LUZ, CAMARA, ACCION" using hand motions.  (Luz = point to the light, Camara = make a pretend camera near your face,  Accion =  point to the child acting)

Or you can make ACTION CARDS by printing clip art from Google Images so they know what action to choose from. 
 Remember, to only accept answers IN SPANISH!  http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/2b00003233/04
 Que pasen buen fin de semana!!!!

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