Job Charts are an excellent way to give children responsibility for their classroom.
One important concept in Conscious Discipline that is part of Encouragement is that of the School Family.
One of the structures used to create a positive school family is the job chart.
There are a number of benefits of a job chart. First, and foremost, having a meaningful job creates a sense of being a contributing member of the school family. The job chart also provides structure for each child’s day. Children experience mastery as they learn different jobs. The job chart also provides a way for each child to be “special” and gain recognition for “doing”. It develops a sense of responsibility, as well as self-esteem.
You can do a simple job chart in all of the classrooms...even a toddler room!!
- Line leader
- Caboose
- Fish Feeder/Veterinarian
- Clean up Reminder
- Door Holder
- Snack Helper = Hand out Plates at Snack
- Light Keeper - Turn off the Lights when Leave the Room
- Weather Watcher
- Calendar Helper
- Pointer Person (use a pointer at circle time for vocabulary etc...)
- Shoe Helper = get the basket of outdoor shoes and hands them out
- Colchonetas Helper
- Trash Collector
Conscious Discipline suggests additional jobs for older children such as “"Well Wisher." When a student is absent, the "Well Wisher" writes the absent student's name in a Well Wishes heart and sends well wishes to that student. The "Well Wisher" might also draw a picture for the absent child and leave the drawing in their cubby. Another job would be the classroom greeter. This person would greet visitors with a smile and a warm welcome.
If you want to use the Conscious Discpline is a link that you can use to print out the jobs from Boardmaker.
Here are a few samples of Job Charts that I have seen in some of the schools!!
Needham - Madelyn and Emily's Preschool Class
The teachers hand write in the names of the children on the job chart each day. There is a picture of each job and one of the jobs is to pick the names of the children's job. (SEE VIDEO). Even the teachers have a job. :-)
Click on the link to see the Job Chart in ACTION!!!
SOUTH END - Jenna's Pre-K
Jenna uses clothespins with the children's names on it and just rotates the clothespins down each day.
JP REVERE - Elba and Janette's Pre-K
Elba and Jannette use the Conscious Discpline Jobs with pictures of the children that go in each pocket of the pocket chart!
Newton - Britni and Katie's Pre-K
Britni and Katie have this "Responsibilidades del salon" in their classroom. They use popsicle sticks with the children's names on them to rotate the jobs.
Porter Square - Eliana's Pre-K
Eliana uses this pocket chart to distribute the jobs in her classroom. There is a popsicle stick with the names of the children on it to rotate the jobs.
Other samples that I found online!

It's a great time of year to start implementing a job chart in your classroom!! It can help with your classroom management and the children will love being the little "helpers!!"
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