Friday, December 7, 2012

Song Lyrics

After reading all of the amazing feedback about Patricia's Music and Movement workshop last night, I thought it would complement her training by sharing this post all about Song Lyrics!!

Sometimes we have so many songs that we want to sing with the children, but we just can't remember how they go!  

An easy way to help you keep track of all of those songs in Spanish while also promoting a PRINT RICH ENVIRONMENT for the children, is to hang the lyrics up in your circle time area!!  Here are some different ways of doing it in some of our Pine Village classrooms!!  

Alicia in Brighton (Preschool Teacher)
Alicia sometimes likes to type up her song lyrics and add an image, and sometimes she will hand write them.  She almost always places it in a page protector so it'll be easy to re-use for the next year.     This would be GREAT to add to a CURRICULUM BOX.  :-)

Marilyn y Julissa - JP Revere Street (Toddler Teachers)

Marilyn and Julissa also type up the lyrics to songs and add images.  They laminated the song so it can also be used year after year.  

Llenifer - JP Centre Street (Toddler Teacher)
Here's another way to highlight the songs that you do with the children!  Print out the words and add the images to a poster board!  It will be easy to bring it out and sing the song with the children!

Jenna in the South End - (Pre-K Teacher)
Jenna writes all of her songs on a flip chart.  It makes it easy to keep track of all of the songs that she sings with the children, and it also creates an amazing print-rich environment!!  
Check  out some of the examples!

Be Inspired every day!!
