Many of you have heard me talk about keeping the classrooms, schools and materials/toys organized. Aqui estan algunas ideas de organizacion para las areas distintas en sus escuelas.
Kena's Preschool 2 classroom in Newton is kept organized with this beautiful shelf that is clearly labeled with pictures and the word in Spanish.
Each column's label is organized by color too so if the box is removed, then we know where to return it to. (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
The art supply closet in Newton is also organized by colors so teachers know where to return the supplies when they are finished.
By putting a photograph with the word it makes it very clear to find what you need to change out your sensory table each week.
By keeping all of your sensory materials in one place, it makes it easy to have everything there when you need it as a resource.
Keeping your toy shelves clearlof clutter and clearly labeled is one of the items on your Monthly Checklist. If you haven't taken the time to label your classroom materials, now is the time to do it!!
(Isabel's Pre-K classroom in JP Revere)
I would like to see all of the materials in the classrooms have a photo and the word in Spanish to make it a print-rich environment.
(Isabel's Pre-K classroom in JP Revere)
It is ideal to place the picture label on the actual shelf as well so that the children know where to place the items when it's time to clean up.
(Marilyn and Julissa's Toddler Class in JP Revere)
(Zully and Janette's toddler class in JP Revere)
(Lidiani's Pre-K class in the South End)
(Lidiani's Pre-K class in the South End)
This is a beautiful shelf in the South End that has the photograph and the items stored. The top of the shelf is inviting and not too overstimulating. Take a look at your rooms and reflect on how you can make sure that everything is labeled as well!!
(Lidiani's Pre-K class in the South End)
Check out how Luis in the Pre-K in Kendall Square adds this soft leaf fabric to the tops of the shelves to soften up the hard lines in the room.
Pre-K classroom Mason Jar Storage
Claudia in the Preschool 2 classroom in Kendall has all of her art materials with a clear label and everything has it's spot.
The Brighton School has been really inspired by Reggio Emilia approach toward classroom design with clutterless shelves, and lots of natural materials (see the plants?)